Oh how I love a celebration!! I also love shopping Wayfair.com for any occasion. Today I have combined my two passions and created some hot picks for a cool 4th of July Celebration. Check out my … [Read more...]

Transforming Your Life Into Art~Exploring the Creative Life and Lifestyle - Arts/Crafts - DIY - Decorating - Recipes - Entertaining - Radio - Classes
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
Oh how I love a celebration!! I also love shopping Wayfair.com for any occasion. Today I have combined my two passions and created some hot picks for a cool 4th of July Celebration. Check out my … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
I have always loved color. From my wardrobe to my decorating style, color makes a statement for me. How then did I end up with a blah bedroom? This Wayfair Homemaker was compensated with a gift card … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
Area Rug ~Darkness into Light I love my cottage home by the lake. It is a happy space for me to create, cook, and collect. There is only one thing I would change. The great room is a very dark … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
Social Media Has Taken Over My Life Okay...I had to have a serious talk with myself last night when Groomzilla had ruffled my oh so sensitive feathers falling from my overly lacy sleeves. I was … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
Commedia del’Arte Mural By Jeff Monsein Our Commedia del’Arte mural was inspired by a recent trip to Venice, Italy. Venice is an amazing city, filled with a colorful history. Although we … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
You know I love a good party and am always looking for ideas and inspiration. This time I will feature one-of-a-kind Outdoor & Summer Party Themes and Ideas. Here are some of my new favorite party … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
I am foremost a decorative painter, but my greatest joy lies in teaching the trade to anyone who wants to learn, and once in a while a painter who has taken a class with me will contact me to help on … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
This week at People for Others, Paul Campbell, SJ, is hosting a Week of Gratitude. Since gratitude is my word for the year, I find this especially helpful on my journey. The theme for this week is … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
Oh how I want to be a farm girl. I have many backyard ideas and dreams. Every winter I begin to envision my summer backyard filled with lush fruit and veggie crops, chickens, bunnies, and living … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
Decorating for Christmas Nowhere am I happier than in our little Angel Wood Cottage on Amelia Island. Nestled under moss-draped trees by a placid lake, it brings me such pleasure. Decorating her has … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
A page from my journal... The flight attendant announces that we should "expect unpredictable turbulence." As we flew into the unknown, I could not help but reflect on this past year. The cornerstone … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
An Artist's Path to Peace I am an artist…in my soul, in my heart, and in every cell of my body. Not by will or by choice, I was born an artist. We are a blessed lot, as we know from an early age what … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
I am participating in The Great Craft Swap with Wayfair Homemakers. Wayfair.com sent me a white European Damask 60" round tablecloth byViolet Linen to create with. And I was compensated for my craft … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
My lanai is my peaceful retreat. I have my morning cup of tea there. I meditate there. I spend long evenings with friends and family there. I dream about the future there. The concrete floor is … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
Hugs and Kisses abound this time of year. XOXOX I am in a pink mood lately. It is a girly-girl year. I designed this cute and colorful Valentine subway tile printable just for the special day. I … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
My pantry was a hot mess. This Wayfair Homemaker is on a mission to simplify and organize in 2015. I love browsing the pages of Wayfair.com for items to help me achieve that goal. I received … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
EPIC brings GRATITUDE for 2015. So many blessings flowed into my life in 2014. I am filled with a deep sense of gratitude for my life. One year ago, I had no idea where I would land. There was a sense … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
I received a copy of the book to facilitate this review. The opinions are my own. Madness, Miracles, Millions A book by Joseph Semprevivo and Larry Semprevivo For every terrible event that … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
It is time for feast and féte here at Angel Wood Cottage. Inspiration for my annual St. Nicholas Tea came from Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol this year.“I will honour Christmas in my heart, and … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
Don't you love it when things happen serendipitously? Well, that is the story here. I have been searching, scouring, on my knees crawling through dirty flea markets trying to find an arch topped … [Read more...]