Tonight upon your pillow Close your eyes and hide your head For the fairies and the goblins Will be hovering 'round your head... here is my gift to you... Happy Halloween to all my ghoulish … [Read more...]

Transforming Your Life Into Art~Exploring the Creative Life and Lifestyle - Arts/Crafts - DIY - Decorating - Recipes - Entertaining - Radio - Classes
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
Tonight upon your pillow Close your eyes and hide your head For the fairies and the goblins Will be hovering 'round your head... here is my gift to you... Happy Halloween to all my ghoulish … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
paid post New Spiritual Phone Covers Giveaway with Prone to Wander LA I am loving these New Spiritual Phone Covers and cases from Prone to Wander LA ! Mine have beloved Bible verses from Matthew … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
I am beyond thrilled that my state-of-the-art Whirlpool - PUR refrigerator has finally found its home. I won this on a Twitter Party over two years ago. It was delivered just before I left my island … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
I take pictures for a living as a professional blogger and, as a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community, I have been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for them … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
New WB200F (below) bring together optical performance with enhanced usability Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd, a global leader in digital media and digital convergence technologies, today announced … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
Samsung announced, in anticipation of CES, the new NX300 mirrorless camera with all-new SMART camera features. Additionally, it is Samsung’s first 3D capable mirrorless SMART camera when coupled with … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
Oh No!!! My wireless mouse stopped working a few weeks ago. I have been putting off getting a new one because The Apple Store is in Jacksonville...some 24 miles away and a world away from my tiny … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
With the flip of a switch, we created a beautiful new atmosphere while eliminating wasted electricity. By opting to embrace the new technology of compact fluorescent bulbs, I will use up to 75% less … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
Check out Chris Brogan's Infographic that explains clearly why Google+ is important for business! This is also a one-stop tutorial for social media mastery. Read every is important … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
Okay...this Boomer Geek Girl is so very excited to share this amazing story with you today! Last night I learned about the MasterCard "Here's to Moms" Spend & Get Offer!!! #Heres2Mom This offer is … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
Most of you know that I love my Android 4G phone. It brought me into this world of apps and texting and I am hooked. So the next logical step would be an Android tablet...and I have my eye on this … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
So usually I like to go all out for Halloween...with fun, games, costumes and loads of food. This year I decided to go a different route...and create a more intimate party for my girlfriends. It will … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
Gadgets and Stuff... Gadget blogs are popping up all over the web today. What is really special about this genre of technology blogs (including videos) is that they are the learning ground for many … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
I am so thankful for technology, even though I have been a little behind of late. But that is ALL over now as I have joined the ranks of technologically advanced with the latest and greatest 4G cell … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
This is day 1 of a four part series showcasing my outdoor makeover, courtesy of KMart, and a Flamingo Soirée, inspired by Party Bluprints dot Com, to celebrate my new outdoor space. Oh my … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
In 2007 I began a journey to rediscover drawing. I drew a face each day that year...I called them the Daily Muse and documented the process on Cre8Tiva's Blog. Here is what I wrote about them in July … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
“Never again will someone be made like you. Do not deny the world your gifts by doubting them.” ~The Daily Love A post by Kelly Lynn Adams on Life Gloss today really rocked my socks!!! I am so … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
I am playing in Scrappy Sunday by Paper Craft Planet. Scrappy Sunday is a Scrapbook Sketch Group where members are challenged to complete at least 4 layouts each month, often with a few "Bonus" … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
My sweet grandddaughter is 1 year old tomorrow!!! I love that sweet baby girl! I am on my way to the party. I, of course, had to make her something special for her 1st birthday it … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
So it seems, in my comments, that I had 2 #24s! SO the only fair thing is to award them both a class!!! SO CONGRATS to you Both!!! See there are even more winners below!!! the … [Read more...]