Shhhhhh. Don't tell, but I am creating a romantic tablescape inspired by Moll Anderson's new book, Seductive Tables For Two: Tablescapes, Picnics, and Recipes That Inspire Romance. The minute I saw … [Read more...]

Transforming Your Life Into Art~Exploring the Creative Life and Lifestyle - Arts/Crafts - DIY - Decorating - Recipes - Entertaining - Radio - Classes
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
Shhhhhh. Don't tell, but I am creating a romantic tablescape inspired by Moll Anderson's new book, Seductive Tables For Two: Tablescapes, Picnics, and Recipes That Inspire Romance. The minute I saw … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
What? No Fireplace? HORRORS!!!! Well how on earth does one decorate a mantle when they don't have one? Ah Ha...that's the magic! I am not going to let a little thing like no fireplace stop me from … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
Tonight upon your pillow Close your eyes and hide your head For the fairies and the goblins Will be hovering 'round your head... here is my gift to you... Happy Halloween to all my ghoulish … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
As you know I love to decorate for the season or holiday...or just to have a change! It is that creative ADD I have embraced as part of my personality! Visionary ideas are easy for me...I am a master … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
Always Enough, Never Too Much review - sponsored by Frontgate Media Always Enough, Never Too Much Flip Book tells us, "No more lies that you are not enough"...when you can learn to embrace … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
I love to cook. And I love to create a beautiful atmosphere for enjoying my food. Easter morning is no exception. After sunrise mass, we sat down to a joyous meal. This was really a 'break fast' meal … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
DIY Faux Wooden Stocking Hack Tutorial I am a consummate DIY re-creator...if I see something I want, but cannot afford or find, I set about making my own version. When I first saw this image of … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
paid post ~ I was given this She Reads Truth Bible to review for B&H Publishing by FrontGate Media. While I was given the Bible for free all thoughts and opinions are my own. Morning Meditation … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
Christmas Traditions at Angel Wood Cottage I have a few unbreakable Christmas Traditions. Some involve decorating. Some involve feast and féte. Some are just between me and baby Jesus. Angel Wood … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
This week at People for Others, Paul Campbell, SJ, is hosting a Week of Gratitude. Since gratitude is my word for the year, I find this especially helpful on my journey. The theme for this week is … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
BEing vs. DOing Hello twenty 16! It is my year to BE!!! I have been DOing, DOing, DOing for many years. Running as hard as I can with few tangible results. BEing vs. DOing is the ongoing conundrum. … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
I am participating in The Great Craft Swap with Wayfair Homemakers. sent me a white European Damask 60" round tablecloth byViolet Linen to create with. And I was compensated for my craft … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
My pantry was a hot mess. This Wayfair Homemaker is on a mission to simplify and organize in 2015. I love browsing the pages of for items to help me achieve that goal. I received … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
A room of one's own is a deep desire for many...myself included. I have day dreamed about this room many times throughout my life. It changed as I grew older and wiser. Some things became less … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
Positivity leaps from the pages of Marlo Thomas' new book, "It Ain't Over . . . Till It's Over: Reinventing Your Life--and Realizing Your Dreams—Anytime, at Any Age." I sat down with my favorite cup … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
I am decorating a new home!!! I was browsing for some creative inspiration and ended up on book art artist Lisa Occhipinti website. I was head over heels inspired by her Sea Anemones. As my … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
Looking Back to Move Ahead Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into. ~Wayne Dyer Each year in November I do a Year in Review Retreat. I look back at the past year and … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
I have been thinking a lot this week about appointments. Not the doctor, hair cut kind...the life appointment kind. Those appointments which can often change your life, impact your future and … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
this wisdom will change your life...a pretty hefty statement, perhaps.... I give up already! In July of 2009, Neale Donald Walsh did a video called "I believe God wants you to know"...I can't … [Read more...]
written by Rebecca E. Parsons
My best business advice is simple: Be yourself!!! One of my BE vitamins for creative entrepreneurs! … [Read more...]